John H. Lettau was born February 12, 1929 in Kaukauna,
Wisconsin a life-long "Cheesehead". Became a geometric design
fanatic in the early 1960s.
Graduated Kaukauna High School, 1947,
BS University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point, 1958 Administration & Supervision Masters;
Cal Poly University. San Luis Obispo, California.
moved to Santa Maria, California as an educator
with the Santa
Maria Bonita Elementary School District. 33 years teacher, principal, and district level
coordinator state and federal projects with classroom teaching including grades
1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 8. I always made sure I taught geometric design
creation to all grade levels
during art classes.
In 1973 published Graph Paper Designs
that was used in
teaching geometric designs with hundreds of elementary students over the years.
main art interests include anything that revolves around the area of geometric
designs and geometric design creation. Over the past 60 odd years have created
over 500 plus different geometric designs using various methods and materials.
Spend many hours in the creation of cut paper barn quilt pictures.
After recently joining 2 local quilt guilds
and was asked to do some barn quilt painting
workshops which number 12 to date and more planned: I found a big
interest in barn quilts by the two guild members. Thanks to the Swanton Arts Councils for allowing me to become
part of this organization that
promotes the arts...appreciate all you do for