Pamela Pouliot


About Pamela Pouliot, the Author    

     The author grew on a small dairy farm in Jericho, Vermont. Her family, on both the Davis & Stygles sides have lived in this town for many generations. The Davis farm, to this day, is still owned and operated by her family. Her roots run deep here.
      She attended Mount Mansfield Union High School, after graduation she went on to the Vermont College of Cosmetology. 
     She has spent the last 40 years as a cosmetologist, 32 of those in the same town that she raised her family in.  

Pamela is married to her husband Gary Pouliot  they have four children, Nicole, Neil, Brian and Mallory. She also has 3 wonderful granddaughters, Shannon,  who is 11 going on 21, Isabella, is our dancer and Anne Shirley, the  story teller and one of Xola's favorite humans.
       After raising her children she moved from Essex to Maquam Shore in Swanton to live on beautiful Lake Champlain, a lifelong dream.  Although the book "Xola Lola's Journey - From Mexico to Vermont" is her first, it wasn't a lifelong dream but more of an (AHA) moment that was suggested by a client, sometimes you just have to run with it.... and she has enjoyed every minute.