Workshops by JP Chocquette

November 7th
Writing Your First Novel will empower would-be authors in gaining clarity and focus for their manuscript-in-progress. Join instructor and author, J.P. Choquette, to gain the momentum needed to finally finish that first novel.
Have you always dreamed of writing a book? Maybe you've started a manuscript but never finished writing it. Perhaps there are several partially finished novels languishing on your hard drive. Or maybe you have a lot of great ideas ... but aren't sure what to do with them.
It’s hard to balance your passion for writing fiction along with a busy life, isn’t it? Come and learn tips and tricks that will help you finally complete your first novel.
Whether your book idea is in seed form or ready to transplant, this class will help you.
Learn how to:
  • Use plotting or “pantsing” to streamline your process
  • Create an idea book or binder for information and organization
  • Set up a regular routine for writing (note: it doesn’t have to take hours)
  • Learn the secret of “mini-chunks”
  • Understand the key ingredient to any long-term successful novelist’s life
  • Create a goal and reward system
  • And more!
J.P. Choquette, instructor and author, will lead this fun, relaxed class that will leave participants fired up and ready to tackle their in-progress manuscript. J.P. has had the pleasure of teaching writers from all over the state. Participants say that her warm, conversational style and practical tips leave them ready to return to the page renewed.

Writing Your First Novel will be held on Wednesday, November 7th from 6:00-7:30 p.m., at the Swanton Library. Register by email: by Thursday, November 1st. Space is limited. Program fee is $25. Swanton Writers Group members receive a $5 discount. Please bring note-taking supplies and an open mind.

November 14th
Book Publishing Options will assist writers in determining whether traditional, indie or hybrid publishing is best for them. Join instructor and author, J.P. Choquette, and understand clearly the pros and cons of each option.
Do you feel confused by the variety of publishing options available for your completed manuscript? Interested in learning more about indie (independent) publishing, or what you’ll need to do to secure a traditional publishing contract? Curious what hybrid publishing is all about?
In this class we’ll discuss the basics of each of these publishing options.
Get these questions answered:
  • What are the benefits and downsides of all three publishing options?
  • How much work will each publishing option entail?
  • What is the cost?
  • Why would someone choose indie or hybrid publishing over traditional?
  • Do I need an agent no matter what? What about an editor?
  • How important is book marketing and who is responsible for it?
  • How tech savvy do I have to be to self-publish my books?
  • And more!
J.P. Choquette, author and presenter, will lead this fun, relaxed class that will leave participants excited about the publishing options available. J.P. has had the pleasure of teaching writers from many areas of the state. Participants say that her warm, conversational style and practical tips make otherwise overwhelming topics simple and understandable.

Book Publishing Options will be held on Wednesday, November 14th from 6:00-7:30 p.m., at the Swanton Library. Register by email: by Thursday, November 1st. Space is limited. Program fee is $25. Swanton Writers Group members receive a $5 discount. Please bring note-taking supplies and an open mind.